
  • Outdoor Modem Gateway, DOCSIS 3.1, 4xGE, PoE, Digital Attenuator, OMG310

    Outdoor Modem Gateway, DOCSIS 3.1, 4xGE, PoE, Digital Attenuator, OMG310

    MoreLink's OMG310 ke DOCSIS 3.1 ECMM Module (Embedded Cable Modem Module) e tšehetsang 2×2 OFDM le 32×8 SC-QAM ho fana ka phihlelo e matla ea Inthanete ea lebelo le phahameng.Moralo o thata oa mocheso o loketseng lits'ebetso tsa indasteri.

    OMG310 ke khetho e phethahetseng bakeng sa basebelisi ba li-cable ba batlang ho fana ka phihlello e pharalletseng ea moruo ho bareki ba bona.E fana ka lebelo ho fihla ho 4Gbps e ipapisitse le likou tse 4 tsa Giga Ethernet holim'a sebopeho sa eona sa DOCSIS.OMG310 e lumella li-MSO ho fa bareki ba tsona lits'ebetso tse fapaneng tsa marang-rang tse kang telecommuting, HD, le video ea UHD e batloang holim'a khokahanyo ea IP ho oce / home oce e nyane (SOHO), phihlello ea marang-rang e potlakileng ea bolulo, lits'ebeletso tsa multimedia tse sebetsang, jj.

  • Cable CPE, Wireless Gateway, DOCSIS 3.0, 16×4, 4xGE, Dual Band Wi-Fi, SP244

    Cable CPE, Wireless Gateway, DOCSIS 3.0, 16×4, 4xGE, Dual Band Wi-Fi, SP244

    ◆DOCSIS/EURODOCSIS 1.1/2.0/3.0

    ◆Broadcom BCM33843 e le chipset ea mantlha

    ◆ Hardware pakete processing accelerator, tlaase CPU e jang, phahameng pakete throughput

    ◆ Ho fihla ho tse 16 ho theosa le melapo e 4 e tlamahanang

    ◆Full Band Capture (FBC), maqhubu a DS ha a tlameha ho ba haufi

    ◆ Internet lebelo le phahameng ka 4 Ports Giga Ethernet Connector

    ◆Boemakepe bohle ba Ethernet Puisano ea boiketsetso, ho utloa lebelo la koloi le MDI/X ea koloi

    ◆Tsebetso e phahameng 802.11n 2.4GHz le 802.11ac 5GHz Ka nako e le 'ngoe

    ◆ Ntlafatso ea software ka marang-rang a HFC

    ◆Ts'ehetso e hokahantsoeng ho fihlela lisebelisoa tsa 128 CPE

    ◆Tsehetsa mokhoa oa motheo oa ho boloka lekunutu (BPI/BPI+)

  • Cable CPE, Wireless Gateway, DOCSIS 3.0, 24×8, 4xGE, Dual Band Wi-Fi, SP344

    Cable CPE, Wireless Gateway, DOCSIS 3.0, 24×8, 4xGE, Dual Band Wi-Fi, SP344

    ◆DOCSIS/EURODOCSIS 1.1/2.0/3.0

    ◆Broadcom BCM3384 e le chipset ea mantlha

    ◆ Hardware pakete processing accelerator, tlaase CPU e jang, phahameng pakete throughput

    ◆ Ho fihla ho tse 24 ho theosa le melapo e 8 e tlamahanoang

    ◆Full Band Capture (FBC), maqhubu a DS ha a tlameha ho ba haufi

    ◆ Internet lebelo le phahameng ka 4 Ports Giga Ethernet Connector

    ◆Boemakepe bohle ba Ethernet Puisano ea boiketsetso, ho utloa lebelo la koloi le MDI/X ea koloi

    ◆Tsebetso e phahameng 802.11n 2.4GHz le 802.11ac 5GHz Ka nako e le 'ngoe

    ◆ Ntlafatso ea software ka marang-rang a HFC

    ◆Ts'ehetso e hokahantsoeng ho fihlela lisebelisoa tsa 128 CPE

    ◆Tsehetsa mokhoa oa motheo oa ho boloka lekunutu (BPI/BPI+)

  • Cable CPE, Modem ea Boitsebiso, DOCSIS 3.0, 16×4, 1xGE, SP210

    Cable CPE, Modem ea Boitsebiso, DOCSIS 3.0, 16×4, 1xGE, SP210

    MoreLink's SP210 ke DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem e tšehetsang liteishene tse fihlang ho tse 16 tse tlase le tse 4 tse hokahantsoeng holimo ho fana ka boiphihlelo bo matla ba Marang-rang a lebelo le phahameng.SP210 e u fa litšebeletso tse tsoetseng pele tsa multimedia tse nang le litefiso tsa data tse fihlang ho 800 Mbps ho khoasolla le 108 Mbps ho ipapisitse le tšebeletso ea hau ea Marang-rang ea Cable.Seo se etsa hore lits'ebetso tsa Marang-rang e be tsa 'nete, li potlake, hape li sebetse hantle ho feta leha e le neng pele.

  • UPS Transponder, MK110UT-8

    UPS Transponder, MK110UT-8

    MK110UT-8 ke transponder ea DOCSIS-HMS, e etselitsoeng ho kenya ka hare ho lisebelisoa tsa motlakase.

    Sesebelisoa se matla sa spectrum analyzer se hahiloe ho transponder ena;ka hona, ha se transponder feela ho beha leihlo boemo le liparamente tsa phepelo ea motlakase, empa hape e ka beha leihlo marang-rang a marang-rang a BFC a marang-rang ka mohlahlobi oa eona oa maqhubu.

  • Handheld QAM Analyzer e nang le APP, Matla a Matla le MER bakeng sa DVB-C le DOCSIS ka bobeli, MKQ012

    Handheld QAM Analyzer e nang le APP, Matla a Matla le MER bakeng sa DVB-C le DOCSIS ka bobeli, MKQ012

    MoreLink's MKQ012 ke mochine o nkehang oa QAM Analyzer, o nang le bokhoni ba ho lekanya le ho sekaseka liparamente tsa QAM tsa marang-rang a DVB-C/DOCSIS.

  • Outdoor QAM Analyzer e nang le Leru, Boemo ba Matla le MER bakeng sa DVB-C le DOCSIS ka bobeli, MKQ010

    Outdoor QAM Analyzer e nang le Leru, Boemo ba Matla le MER bakeng sa DVB-C le DOCSIS ka bobeli, MKQ010

    MoreLink's MKQ010 ke sesebelisoa se matla sa tlhahlobo ea QAM se nang le bokhoni ba ho lekanya le ho beha leihlo marang-rang a DVB-C / DOCSIS RF Signals.MKQ010 e fana ka tekanyo ea nako ea sebele ea lits'ebeletso tsa khaso le marang-rang ho bafani leha e le bafe ba litšebeletso.E ka sebelisoa ho tsoela pele ho lekanya le ho lekola liparamente tsa QAM tsa marang-rang a DVB-C / DOCSIS.

  • 1RU QAM Analyzer e nang le Leru, Boemo ba Matla le MER bakeng sa DVB-C le DOCSIS ka bobeli, MKQ124

    1RU QAM Analyzer e nang le Leru, Boemo ba Matla le MER bakeng sa DVB-C le DOCSIS ka bobeli, MKQ124

    MKQ124 ke QAM Analyzer e matla ebile e bonolo ho e sebelisa e reretsoeng ho beha leihlo le ho tlaleha bophelo bo botle ba marang-rang a Digital Cable le HFC.

    E khona ho boloka litekanyo tsohle ho lifaele tsa tlaleho le ho li romellaSNMPmaraba ka nako ea 'nete haeba litekanyetso tse khethiloeng tsa li-parameter li feta meeli e hlalositsoeng.Bakeng sa ho rarolla mathata aTEBELLO GUIe lumella phihlello e hole / ea lehae ho liparamente tsohle tse shebiloeng sebakeng sa RF le likarolo tsa DVB-C / DOCSIS.

  • ECMM, DOCSIS 3.1, 4xGE, POE, 2xMCX, Digital Attenuator, MK440IE-P

    ECMM, DOCSIS 3.1, 4xGE, POE, 2xMCX, Digital Attenuator, MK440IE-P

    MK44IE-P ea MoreLink ke DOCSIS 3.1 ECMM Module (Embedded Cable Modem Module) e tšehetsang 2×2 OFDM le 32×8 SC-QAM ho fana ka phihlelo e matla ea Inthanete ea lebelo le phahameng.Moralo o thata oa mocheso o loketseng lits'ebetso tsa indasteri.

    MK440IE-P ke khetho e phethahetseng bakeng sa basebelisi ba li-cable ba batlang ho fana ka phihlello e pharalletseng ea moruo ho bareki ba bona.E fana ka lebelo ho fihla ho 4Gbps e ipapisitse le likou tse 4 tsa Giga Ethernet holim'a sebopeho sa eona sa DOCSIS.MK440IE-P e lumella li-MSO ho fa bareki ba tsona lits'ebetso tse fapaneng tsa marang-rang tse kang telecommuting, HD, le video ea UHD e batloang holim'a khokahanyo ea IP ho oce / home oce (SOHO), phihlello ea marang-rang e potlakileng ea bolulo, lits'ebeletso tsa multimedia tse sebetsang, jj. .

  • ECMM, DOCSIS 3.1, 2xGE, MMCX, DV410IE

    ECMM, DOCSIS 3.1, 2xGE, MMCX, DV410IE

    MoreLink's DV410IE ke DOCSIS 3.1 ECMM Module (Embedded Cable Modem Module) e tšehetsang 2×2 OFDM le 32×8 SC-QAM ho fana ka phihlelo e matla ea Inthanete ea lebelo le phahameng.Moralo o thata oa mocheso o loketseng lits'ebetso tsa indasteri.

  • ECMM, Wireless Gateway, DOCSIS 3.0, 3xFE, SMB Loop Through, HS132E

    ECMM, Wireless Gateway, DOCSIS 3.0, 3xFE, SMB Loop Through, HS132E

    MoreLink's HS132E ke DOCSIS 3.0 ECMM Module (Embedded Cable Modem Module) e tšehetsang likanale tse fihlang ho tse 8 tse tlase le tse 4 tse hokahantsoeng holimo ho fana ka boiphihlelo bo matla ba Marang-rang a lebelo le phahameng.Sebaka se kopaneng sa IEEE802.11n 2×2 Wi-Fi se ntlafatsa haholo boiphihlelo ba bareki ka ho atolosa sebaka le tšireletso ka lebelo le phahameng.

  • Cable CPE, Modem ea Boitsebiso, DOCSIS 3.0, 24×8, 4xGE, MK340

    Cable CPE, Modem ea Boitsebiso, DOCSIS 3.0, 24×8, 4xGE, MK340

    MK340 ea MoreLink ke Modem ea Cable ea DOCSIS 3.0 e tšehetsang liteishene tse fihlang ho tse 24 tse tlase le tse 8 ho fana ka boiphihlelo bo matla ba Marang-rang.MK340 e u fa litšebeletso tse tsoetseng pele tsa multimedia tse nang le litefiso tsa data ho fihla ho 1.2 Gbps le ho kenya 216 Mbps ho itšetlehile ka tšebeletso ea hau ea Inthanete ea Cable.Seo se etsa hore lits'ebetso tsa Marang-rang e be tsa 'nete, li potlake, hape li sebetse hantle ho feta leha e le neng pele.